Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week 9 - Tutorial Task

Essay topic

I chose essay topic # 3; Why is privacy such a contentious issue for internet users? Discuss with reference to at least ONE social network service (or other web2.0 service).

Online privacy
How to punish violators?
Which laws?
What is it?
Different laws that enforce this.
What happens if policies are violated?
Why do we need privacy policies?

Attitudes towards privacy
How does it differ from ”real life” privacy?
Do people respect others’ privacy online?
Changing values

case studies, media; young girls meeting up with older men who they met on facebook and as a result they get raped or murdered.
Internet at home, work & uni
How does privacy differ in those 3 places?
Some schools block all the dating/facebook/twitter sites.
Children with computers and internet acess in their rooms are more vulnerable, thus privacy may be an issue for home internet users.
Ethical issues
Legal aspect

Additional thoughts
How technology has changed! We need more privacy these days, than we did back in the day.
How more younger people are using internet and sites like facebook! And they’re naive etc.
How values have changed, and people now may think it’s ok to put personal information on such sites, and maybe people in the older days thought this was unmoral.

After brainstorming all the ideas I could think of regarding privacy, I found that my essay will probably focus on the lack of it, and what impact this absence of privacy has on different situations. What is some major damages when privacy is violated and what can be done to minimise these issues. I will start my research at Google Scholar with something easy, such as definition of privacy, and go from there. Hopefully I'll find a lot of academic articles as well as news articles and books to help me with my essay.

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